“I have Colitis and I can eat a salad” – REALLY NOW?

It’s been a few months since I heard this and every now-and-then it pops up in my mind.

Seeing how I was in prep/waiting for my second colonoscopy, I wasn’t going to pick an argument with this lady. Instead, I simply stated “everyone reacts differently” and let it be.

I can’t eat salads.
Caesar salads were like my healthy crack. I loved them and would be lying if I said there’s been no consumption of said salads since being diagnosed. (Sometimes pooping a whole salad is worth it.)
But, they do hurt me. Along with many vegetables, breads, dairy and sauces. My poor diet isn’t really classified as a diet, more along the lines of ‘Foods that could be safe THIS week‘.

So, I need to take supplements on top of my prescriptions. It’s now part of my daily regimen. They don’t give me energy or make me feel the best I can be. In fact, sometimes they make me feel sick. What they have done, however, is managed to keep me ‘within normal range’ with recent blood work.

The Good Stuff

There’s so much to take, they all don’t fit in my divided weekly pill-box:scripts

    Mesalamine> 4 capsules twice daily = 8/day
    Immunosuppresants> 1/day
    Prescription Supplement> 1/day
  • VITAMIN B12 500mcg
    Microlozenge Supplement> 1/day
  • OMEGA-3 300mg SOFTGEL
    Supplement> 1/day
    Supplement> 1/day
    Supplement> 1/day
    Sinthroid Hormone Replacement> 1/day
    Prozac Anti-Depressant> 1/day
    Birth Control> 1/dayTOTAL: 17 PILLS/DAY> AVG: 510/MONTH

This varies, though. Right now I am taking one or two Zantac a day because of really bad indigestion and heartburn. When there’s Prednisone, the number jumps to the 20s. And, from time-to-time, there’s Xanax.

Pills are overwhelming, exhausting and in no way fun.

I wanted to tear up a bit when my gynecologist wanted to prescribe me the birth control. I didn’t want it. Not another pill.
It’s just that, I started to experience a lot of agonizing pain, discomfort and irregular monthlies. The only thing a couple of ultrasounds picked up is some thickening along my apparent heart-shaped tilted uterus. So, for the sake of my age and a record of One out of Three semi-successful (there were a lot of complications with my munchkin and so worth it all) pregnancies, he felt it was time to put me back on birth control to level me out hormonally. Awesome.

What About Juicing?

Now, few of these people who have asked this I know are asking out of the kindness of their hearts with sincerity, but others are these newfound fitness fanatics that are riding with the new year’s diet fad. They know it all and are pretty damn pushy about it.

Juicing is the absolute worst thing someone like me could do. It will literally run right through me.
Most foods that are not that safe to eat – depending on the individual – will not digest properly and pretty much come out in less than 24 hours. I don’t care how many doctors find this improbable. I know from experience. These malfunctioning organs are not breaking down the food the way they are supposed to.

So, if you consume a bunch of veggies/fruits that “help promote digestion and/or weight loss” as a liquid, what do you think is going to happen to me or someone like me? It won’t SUPPLEMENT anything.

If I could eat all the salads in the world and drink juice without fear, I would take that over medication every single day.
However, I am a little stuck in this situation.

All you can do is make the best of it!
So far, typing this blog,along with my other, has been making me feel better. As if I am contributing to something other than the occasional “let me get this off my chest”.
So, thank you, for taking the time to read one, two or all of my posts thus far. Thank you, for allowing me to share.

And, THANK YOU for sharing, as well.

Good Vibes!!

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