Tuesday’s Agenda


Morning Yoga
Morning Yoga

My refresher yoga practice can be crossed off my list. I have been getting weak due to this flare (there’s only so much you can do that won’t cause you to go running to the bathroom) and my headstands have been a little unstable. So, get back to the basics of arm balances with a little Vinyasa while rocking to Pantera.

Le Dentist
Le Dentist
Good Reads
Good Reads

Sigh. That dentist I cannot wait to see. This wisdom tooth is wreaking havoc this morning. *crosses fingers* At least I am bringing some good reading material… I hope!

Just a few more...
Just a few more…

A few more gifts to wrap for the family. Harloh has been mommy’s super-duper helper with wrapping this year. She’s in charge of the tape 🙂

The great studies
The great studies

Cramming the schoolwork in here somewhere. Somewhere.

Mm'mm, Pasta
Mm’mm, Pasta

Seeing how I have to pick up the significant other today because we are down to one car, I figured keeping it simple and still healthy was the best option.

My Daughter
My Daughter

Taking care of this one is always top priority and takes up a lot of my day. We play games, sing songs, watch television, read, draw, create – EVERYTHING you can think of to occupy a toddler. She’s pretty amazing and worth all the time I can give to her.

A little Buddha in my life
A little Buddha in my life

I’ve downloaded any and all books on my Amazon Kindle app that I thought would be helpful in learning more about Buddhism. It really has been a strong interest of mine as of late. The more you know 🙂

Good Day Friends!