Go Go In Six Months

No lie.
I lost count and memories of happiness.
Looks like I will either be starting over or finish from where I left off. Poo.


What in the world could my child be wearing a helmet made from paper products and office supplies for?

Because, her latest love is Disney’s Big Hero 6.
It is a cute little film and she loves pretending to be a part of a superhero group. Especially Go Go or Honey Lemon, the two female members of the team. Go Go does just that, she likes to move insanely fast and bubbly Honey Lemon specializes in chemistry.

With Harloh’s request to be Go Go, she also mentioned a want for Mommy to be Honey Lemon and Daddy to be Wasabi.
That is half of the six and three costumes for me to start making.


With never making accessories like helmets before, this is going to take some serious craftiness.
Being on a budget and only working with plaster wraps (strips) once or twice, I knew there had to be a cheaper starting point to prepare for plaster.
Having plenty of art supplies on hand and free weekly ads via the mail, we went the paper mâché route. This was Harloh’s first time getting messy and she… well… made a mess with much enjoyment!


Not Bad For A First Shell
Not Bad For A First Shell

Now, I’m excited to pick up more items such as the plaster wraps and paint. Even going to hit the thrift stores.

Six months until Halloween!

Does this count for happy?!

Hello, Calming Week

Good Morning, Friends!

I cannot believe it has been so long since my last post.
That, I suppose will tell you how busy this past week was.
So much so, that braving cheap Chinese food for a quick bite left my stomach angry and vindictive.

With that aside – during all the craziness that be – my memory tried to hold onto as much joy as mentally possible. Now that there is a little silence and only one day where I have to run around like a mad person, there will be a little time to go through pictures and lay out another post or two.

There is no failure in the pursuit of peace and joy.
Especially when it comes so naturally around you.

Happy Monday, Friends!

Books. Work. Books. Zen.

wpid-2015-02-18_14.43.43.jpgWith the lingering remnants of bronchitis, I have allowed myself to slip back into a reclusive status. It may not be the most healthiest in terms of social communications and friendships, however, this time is not that much of a bother to me.

When you get sick so often, it can become a challenge to keep up with all that is planned. There are times where we sickly individuals peak – not questioning for a second where the surge of energy came from – only to have it depleted just as quickly.
Finding the days ahead one continuous test of patience, will, and stamina.
Trying to prepare for the next big rush.

One big challenge for myself right now is keeping up with schoolwork. The feeling of failure comes and goes. I try to stick to my weekly/daily schedule and even with my agenda and goals laid out in blue ink, my lists continue to lengthen.

In the words my daughter seems to enjoy using as of late – “It’s Not Fair!”

But, that is life, right? It was never meant to be ‘fair’. It is meant to be lived…

Feeling the Music
Feeling the Music

Failure is not acceptable.
Failure does not seem like living.

I cannot pinpoint what it is that has handicapped my ability to concentrate and focus on one thing at a time (I am beginning to sense simple predisposition over IBD), but whatever the problem is, it is not helping with the move forward. I keep getting further behind because I start one task only to not finish it before another.

Such as reading.

When you have the ability to stay awake and be alone long enough, opening a book is more enjoyable than turning on the television.
In fact, lately my house has grown more quiet.

Along with reading up on Ulcerative Colitis, I continue to indulge in the world of Buddhism and True Crime.

True Crime is my number one category (to be expected from a horror junkie? hmm?) in the world of casual reading. Really, it falls in with the need to know everything.
Who? What? When? Where? WHY? All the common Ws. The one positive thing about holding interest in such books, is a lot are composed of subcategories and broken down into more chapters. So, once you leave off somewhere, a new tale begins.

Now $4.99 on Amazon Kindle
Now $4.99 on Amazon Kindle

As for Buddhism, I continue to skim through Amazon’s library (via the Kindle App). I often get lucky and come across books that are free. It may seem cheap of me for someone so interested in such a subject, but, when you are tight on money and not quite sure what you are really looking for, free is wonderful.

Like, Buddhism Made Easy.
It is regularly priced at $7.85 via Amazon Kindle, and I got it for free. Just by browsing. The book so far is not too terribly bad. As the first 6-7 chapters are spent repeating itself before getting to the point, the author still manages to keep me engaged.

My carousel is a growing collection of freebies and 99 cents-ers.

Being only on chapter 9 (page 26/121) of Buddhism Made Easy: Buddhism for Beginners and Busy People, I also have the following books opened and marked:

The Zen of Zombie: Better Living Through the Undead, page 73/263
The Angry Gut: Coping with Colitis & Crohn’s Disease, page 125/322
The Giant Book of Unsolved Crimes, page 150/567
Your Body Speaks Your Mind: Understand How Your Thoughts and Emotions Affect Your Health, page 87/245

With Spotify on and an incense burning, determination has rolled over me yet again.
It is time to roll up the hypothetical sleeves and bury myself deep in sentences and punctuation.
It is time to get this final over with, so I can move on to the next section of schoolwork.

It is time to be by my lonesome.
To push harder.
To release the anxiety.
To be peaceful.

May your Wednesday be grand 🙂

Sunday Fun… Well, It Was Sunday.

*Warning: Slight tangent rant*

Every single time I start to feel better, I do too much.
You would think I learned by now. But, the fact is, I hate feeling like an invalid.

Yesterday, I started with a simple scrambled eggs and bacon breakfast for the family. We ate and got ready for the day, which consisted on going to grandma and grandpa’s house. Seeing how my father is behind on getting his paperwork together and organized, numbers situated and inventory properly accounted for, I told him I would help him set up some sort of organization and spreadsheets until getting an accounting software with the appropriate functions for a small business.

Harloh and I arrived at my parents a little before 10am. I wasn’t going to bring her, however, I knew my parents would be a bit bummed if I didn’t.
Not too long after arriving, things went sideways. Apparently, the man who came and installed my parents’ Verizon claimed that their DVD player was too old to hook up into their new HD Smart TV. (Seriously, I would throw the remote into this television if I owned one. Who really needs Facebook on their television?) Anywho, they are slowly getting into the times of the 21st Century and do not own an HD DVD player, so this man automatically assumed because it wasn’t HD, it wouldn’t work… WRONG. It took me, who has very limited knowledge, to figure this out. Now, I am not saying this man was lazy, but at the same time I am. I know it really isn’t their responsibility to make sure a DVD player is working, however, do not tell my parents incorrect information if you do not really know if it will work.
That is irresponsible as a professional.

Then, my father and I decided to go to Wal-Mart to purchase some ledger paper to start the bookkeeping process and breakdown of the months. This became an adventure.
Wal-Mart had a very small selection, which was not very surprising. While there we each picked up a couple of items that were needed for our own personal use and headed to the next interstate exit for Office Depot.
While there, I decided to check out the accounting software. Holy. Priceness. It’s astounding how much they charge for these programs, especially when you have a very small business that is steadily growing. To my surprise, my father actually asked someone for assistance to go over the programs and let me do most of the talking (not to sound ridiculous, but numbers are my thing) and the sales associate pretty much told him the same thing I have been trying to tell him for almost two months: Excel. I do not fault him, though, because he has always been stubborn and he is not too familiar with many programs. However, I have quite the background with numerous softwares and Excel itself, so….
The point is, surprisingly, he purchased it!

Now, when we get back to the house, it is already about 12:30pm and we have not accomplished really anything. At all.
To make me feel old and completely out-of-touch with the way things work now, the basic disc was not supplied. It was a card with a product key to download and install. The instructions said it would automatically update and show up in the system, however, after a few minutes, the only way I could use the program was online! What is going on?! A simple install became a nuisance because nowhere does/did it say that you had to restart the computer. No-Stinking-Where. It was a bit of a blow to my confidence because I know the disc versions you always had to, but here it made it seem as if it was supposed to magically pop up on the desktop.

So, we finally have it on the desktop, free of being online, and I start to layout the spreadsheet and go over with him on how I am going to initially organize these.
All the way back from March. MARCH. I didn’t realize it went that far back.
It got to the point that I decided to just take it all home. I know my father. He will just get frustrated because he is hasn’t been out of the two-digit typing stage long and he squints at the computer, even with glasses on – I cannot help but laugh at him for this. It is pretty funny.

We didn’t get home until about 5:30pm. My whole day did not go as planned and throughout I had this persistent cough. I felt wore out and dragged through the mud. Exhausted.
After a quick and unhealthy meal (ugh), Harloh got a bath and I continued to work on the spreadsheet.
We hung out, did some ABC Mouse and story time. Fed the fishies.

Francis put in Boyhood and it was so good. During the movie I was still able to work on the spreadsheets…
The movie ran longer than expected (guess we should have looked at the minutes) and didn’t fall asleep until sometime after midnight…. There was just no blog posting yesterday.

Ugh. Not to sound like a party-pooper, but if you made it this far in my long-winded post – I’m now feeling worse than yesterday. This cough is now producing phlegm that seems to be clear and my throat is on fire.
My voice is cracking…

And, I have a lot to do the next few days in the world of doctor appointments and errands.

Yay, Immunosuppresants!

Happy Monday!

Ho! Ho! Hack! Hack!

My sweet friend and neighbor took these stunning photos
My sweet friend and neighbor took these stunning photos
The fever came and gone, but this nasty cold is still lingering. Ick. We overall had a nice Christmas and my daughter is so happy with her new toys, even being all sickly-like.
Grandma & Grandpa got her Hans and Kristoff to complete her collection!
Grandma & Grandpa got her Hans and Kristoff to complete her collection!
Now that she is in bed (STILL trying to fall asleep), I am going to tempt fate once more by chugging some OTC Tylenol Cold, snuggle up with my new Lavendar infused puppy, and read a book until I pass out drooling.
xmas2I hope everyone had a FANTASTIC day, any way you spent it!
(Here’s to a healthier tomorrow!!)
And ~ Merry Christmas!

Off to the “In-Laws”!

A little multi-tasking
Nothing like a little Instrumental tunes to get you through coursework and trip planning. In a few hours we will be off to the “In-laws” for a Holiday Weekend and there will be no Wi-Fi to help a sister out. So, I am just going to have to post a nice weekend update. ❤

Have a Fantastic Weekend!

Tuesday’s Agenda


Morning Yoga
Morning Yoga

My refresher yoga practice can be crossed off my list. I have been getting weak due to this flare (there’s only so much you can do that won’t cause you to go running to the bathroom) and my headstands have been a little unstable. So, get back to the basics of arm balances with a little Vinyasa while rocking to Pantera.

Le Dentist
Le Dentist
Good Reads
Good Reads

Sigh. That dentist I cannot wait to see. This wisdom tooth is wreaking havoc this morning. *crosses fingers* At least I am bringing some good reading material… I hope!

Just a few more...
Just a few more…

A few more gifts to wrap for the family. Harloh has been mommy’s super-duper helper with wrapping this year. She’s in charge of the tape 🙂

The great studies
The great studies

Cramming the schoolwork in here somewhere. Somewhere.

Mm'mm, Pasta
Mm’mm, Pasta

Seeing how I have to pick up the significant other today because we are down to one car, I figured keeping it simple and still healthy was the best option.

My Daughter
My Daughter

Taking care of this one is always top priority and takes up a lot of my day. We play games, sing songs, watch television, read, draw, create – EVERYTHING you can think of to occupy a toddler. She’s pretty amazing and worth all the time I can give to her.

A little Buddha in my life
A little Buddha in my life

I’ve downloaded any and all books on my Amazon Kindle app that I thought would be helpful in learning more about Buddhism. It really has been a strong interest of mine as of late. The more you know 🙂

Good Day Friends!