Ho! Ho! Hack! Hack!

My sweet friend and neighbor took these stunning photos
My sweet friend and neighbor took these stunning photos
The fever came and gone, but this nasty cold is still lingering. Ick. We overall had a nice Christmas and my daughter is so happy with her new toys, even being all sickly-like.
Grandma & Grandpa got her Hans and Kristoff to complete her collection!
Grandma & Grandpa got her Hans and Kristoff to complete her collection!
Now that she is in bed (STILL trying to fall asleep), I am going to tempt fate once more by chugging some OTC Tylenol Cold, snuggle up with my new Lavendar infused puppy, and read a book until I pass out drooling.
xmas2I hope everyone had a FANTASTIC day, any way you spent it!
(Here’s to a healthier tomorrow!!)
And ~ Merry Christmas!


I first noticed this on Instagram sometime last week.
There really couldn’t be a hashtag more perfect for someone with a chronic illness.

We have our good days. We have our bad days. We even have those ‘I feel bad but am going to make this good’ days.
Just because we may not look like we are in pain, exhausted, depressed, or even symptomatic 24/7, doesn’t mean we don’t FEEL it. Each day is unpredictable and makes it hard to commit to plans or attend events you so honestly RSVP as a maybe.

The word I know I live by.

Maybe if I don’t move too much today, it won’t take me a week to recover and regain that needed energy I so easily use up.